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Moisture is one of the biggest enemies of property foundation, and as luck would have it, the material that surrounds the base of your house can absorb any kind of moisture. The single most important thing a person can do to improve the health of their foundation, thereby avoiding a wet basement, is to keep water away from the foundation in the first place. Whether you need an interior or exterior foundation drain, a surface French drain, cut-off drain, or just need your lot regraded so that precipitation can naturally flow away from your home, Van Matre Construction's Denver team of drainage and grading contractors can help.

Foundation Drains
If you have issues with a wet basement or crawlspace, and your exterior grading is in good shape, a foundation drain may be the solution you need. A foundation drain may be placed inside or outside your foundation, allowing groundwater to collect in the horizontal drain, flow to a sump pit, and be pumped safely away from the home.

Exterior Drains
The worst part about an exterior foundation drain is the disruption to landscaping. The installation requires excavation of the exterior of the foundation to the base of the footings (or wall if it is poured on drilled caissons). Once the wall is excavated, we clean the wall, inspecting for cracks that may need attention. Our Denver drainage and grading contractors use only the highest quality materials: While other companies spray the wall with asphalt, we cover the wall with Cetco brand AquaDrain . The solid plastic backing ensures no water will make it to your foundation, the dimples give a clear path for water to fall to the horizontal drain at the base, and the geo-textile fabric adhered to the face ensure that the product will not clog with mud. This quickly takes water to the base of the drain system. At the base, Van Matre installs a perforated pipe, wrapped in geo-textile fabric, surrounded by a foot of gravel, and again wrapped in geo-textile fabric. The base drain slopes gently downhill to a sump pit where a high-quality cast-iron pump removes the water-pumping it away from your home.

Interior Drains
An interior foundation drain is placed just inside the foundation wall and footing, beneath the basement floor slab. An interior drain spares your landscaping, but does not allow for waterproofing of the exterior of the foundation wall. The foot-wide swath of floor slab is cut and removed around the perimeter of the basement, and the underlying soil removed to the base of the footing, usually about 8”-10” from the base of the floor slab. Similar to the drain at the base of the exterior drain, a perforated pipe wrapped in geo-textile fabric is surrounded by gravel and wrapped in another layer of geo-textile fabric. The pipe slopes gently downhill to a sump pit where a high-quality cast-iron pump removes the water, pumping it away from your home. The floor slab is patched and the job is complete.

French Drain/Cut-off Drains

Drainage & Grading FAQs
What Are the Causes of Uneven Lawns?
There are many different causes for shifting and uneven ground. Causes could include changes in temperature, burrowing animals, faults in water pipes, ground settling, and buried objects such as wood debris. Before any grading or leveling work takes place, it’s important to diagnose the underlying problem to ensure the appropriate corrective actions are taken. You don’t want to perform grading work just to have the yard shift back to its original state again. A Denver drainage and grading contractor from Van Matre can diagnose any underlying issues and suggest the best solution for you.
What Are Signs My Lawn Has To Be Re-Graded?
There are many signs (both glaring and subtle) that indicate your yard needs to be re-graded. Obvious signs include run-off, dips, humps, and pooling water. Less glaring signs include tough weeds and dead patches on the lawn.
What Kind of Maintenance Is Required With a Drainage System?
Van Matre Construction strives to install drainage systems that are as low maintenance as possible. However, some maintenance may be required. For instance, French drains will likely need to be cleaned on an annual basis to keep dirt and debris from clogging the drains.
Will Drainage & Grading Work Destroy The Yard?
Our install team will do our best to protect the integrity of your landscape. However, some disturbance may occur, especially with the installation of exterior drains. Exterior drains require excavation around the exterior foundation to install. If landscape disruption will occur, our Denver drainage and grading contractors will let you know before performing any work.
Can You Work Around An Existing Irrigation System?
Yes, we can perform work around existing irrigation systems and regularly do so.
Can I Still Install a French Drain If My Yard Has a Fence?
It is possible to install a French drain at your Denver home even with a fence. The fence may need to be removed temporarily during the installation process, but our team will ensure the fence is reinstalled after the drain system is in place.
Are French Drains a Permanent Waterproofing Solution?
French drains are not always a permanent waterproofing solution. The gravel and pipe perforations can get clogged with soil and plant roots, which impacts the performance of the system. On average, French drains function well for about seven years. A well-maintained drain system can last even longer.
Van Matre Construction
If your windows or doors used to open and close easily and are now tight or rubbing, you could be experiencing foundation movement.
Call Van Matre Construction drainage and grading contractor in Denver for a free estimate.
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